Farming my gut

Consider your gut microbiome as a farm and your microbiota as your own personal farm animals, then decide what to feed them to optimize their diversity, stability, and health, and optimize production of beneficial signaling molecules that affect our brains.

Would you feed them food items that you knew were loaded with potentially harmful chemicals or enriched with unhealthy additives?

This will be the first step in taking control of what you eat. It will increase your awareness next time you go to the market, are tempted to buy fast food for lunch, or debate whether you should order a dessert.

Emeran Mayer, The Mind-Gut Connection

Since I read that, “my gut is a farm!” has become my rallying cry whenever I’m tempted to eat some ultraprocessed junk that’s calling my name.

That means (based on what smart people seem to believe about gut health right now):

  • MORE: fermented foods, high-fiber plants and whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
  • LESS: ultra-processed foods, sugary drinks, artificial sweeteners, high-fat meats, and alcohol.

So now, “eating healthy” for me isn’t just a matter of weight. I want my 0.0000751 acre gut farm to flourish. And becoming a 👨‍🌾 gut farmer 👨‍🌾 has made all the difference in motivation and discipline.

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