The 12 Week Year: 2023 round 1 wrap up

For the original goals in this cycle, check out the kickoff post. If you don’t know what any of this is, check out my goals page.

12 week goals:  📅 May 1 – July 23, 2023

This post is wayyyy overdue. I totally forgot to write it until now.

Goal 1: 🏠 Replace some house stuff

How it went: SUCCESS! We have a new back door, fridge, and stove. We also cleaned out and organized the garage. 🥹

Goal 2: ⛰️ Do four 40-before-40 adventures

How it went: SUCCESS! (Technically)

Here’s how my original plan went:

  • ❌ Weeks 1-3: Donate blood
  • ✅ Weeks 4-6: Go to a rock climbing gym
  • ❌ Weeks 7-9: Write a short story
  • ❌ Weeks 10-12: Eat vegetables I grew myself (hopefully 🤞)

BUT, I did a few other 40-before-40 adventures instead.

  • ✅ Join a CrossFit gym
  • ✅ Ride on a boat
  • ✅ Ride a roller coaster

I got four in the books, so I’m calling it a win.

Goal 3: 🏃‍♂️ Run a half marathon in under 1:49:00

How it went: FAILURE!

Once summer hit, my running plan went to crap. Having the boys at home just makes the schedule too unpredictable. If Nancy needs to go do something, I have to stay home. From here on out, I shouldn’t count on sticking with a strict running plan in the summer.

I’d say I maintained my fitness at best. Probably actually lost a little bit since my PR last year.

Goal 4: 🥗 Lose 10 pounds

How it went: SUCCESS!

I ended up losing exactly 10 pounds, although I threw out my original meal plan. Instead, I started eating roughly the USDA recommendations for myself (more on that here) and tried to avoid processed food and become a gut farmer. Now I’m trying to slowly add some weight back on in the form of muscle. 🤞

I’m past due for another cycle. Coming soon!

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